Thursday 10 May 2018

Day 5

Today I restarted as instructed and was told to document how far i could get in in an hour so i did.
So when you start, you start in a cabin with little to your name. Firstly you want to take stock of resources, look on the shelves & tables then rummage through your supply boxes for supplies.

As soon as possible head out into the vast cold that is this games wilderness, scavenge for sticks and try to look for a lookout atop a mountain. This is where you will have a high chance to find a rifle or a hatchet. The rifle allows you to hunt, while the hatchet allows better & faster wood harvesting.

From here look at the far side of the mountain and you should see another lookout this one isn't destroyed, go to it. The other lookout has medical supplies and lots of other supplies. If you happen to look down the cliff from the second lookout you can see a derailed train. make your way down there, but be careful not to fall. If you do you can sprain your ankle, when you sprain your ankle you are unable to sprint but you can still heal it with pain killers.

When you make it to the derailed train be careful, wolves frequent this area. If they start chasing you pull out a flare and light it, they are afraid of fire and will not

By now you are likely getting chilly maybe even developing frostbite and should probably fix that. the best way would be to start a fire, you will need something to light it such as matches, tinder which can be made from a stick, fuel like sticks and possibly some accelerant to increase the chance of starting it. Then place your bedroll down and sleep the length of the fire, not to long or                                                                                                  you can freeze to death.

Unfortunately I have no more as i was mauled to
death by wolves when I woke up in the morning.


Thursday 26 April 2018

Day 2

Today on my adventure through the long dark I got lost in the woods while exploring, but all was fine when i found an old cabin in the woods. I proceeded to loot everything that was not nailed down then use it a temporary shelter. Unfortunately wolf like to prowl these parts of the woods and on 5 separate occasions was mauled by one upon leaving the cabin. Eventually the constant shredding of my jugular was my downfall and I died.

Some survival tips would be that you need to load the rifle before you can fire it, press "R" to do this.
The "Emergency Stim" is a super useful item that gives you infinite stamina for about 10-20 seconds but drains you of half your maximum upon ending.
The dead body outside the cabin
Dead body inside the cabin

The  cabin

Clean Water